The total number of entries in this year's Pool is 378 and the total pot will be $3,780.00 once all of this year's participants pay their entry fees. A check-mark by your name that is tied to a particular bracket indicates that I have received your payment (and that I am aware of same). If you have paid for a bracket and notice that your name associated with that entry is not checked, please let me know and I will confirm same in my records. I have sent a friendly reminder email to the stragglers.

I was in a five day jury trial starting with last Monday and I am still playing catch-up - on both sleep, work and the Pool results - and the muse has not really started talking to me yet for the Week One Write-up. Moreover, it is my "One and Only's" 58th birthday today and I promised her I would sue our old landlord before midnight - a birthday gift to one litigious lady who is hopping mad about the way we were done by a strange lady - because we got thrown out of our last rental house for disrespecting an appliance - yes, you heard that correctly and, per usual, there is a funny story behind it that I cannot wait to tell.

I have a good bit to say and want to make sure it is heard. I also want to let all of you know that I will be supplementing this write-up between now and the end of the Elite Eight, so check back for updates.

Congratulations to Turtle 4, who won the most correct First Round picks by virtue of a tie-breaker, edging out cbell, Zach Barnes and HaleyRidgeB. The tie between Turtle 4, Rockymount, Danny Dunn and Turtle after Week One should be broken when the Sweet Sixteen is done, and we will see how everyone fares after Friday's games conclude.

Thanks for participating this year and good luck in Week Two, where fortunes have been known to change drastically within stretches of no more than a few minutes. Remember, even if you are not doing as well as you had hoped, there are several categories you may still have a chance to win.

Tournament Starts:





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